UNI GROUP ASIA General Terms and Conditions

Use of Website

UNI GROUP ASIA makes this Website available to all users (hereinafter referred to as the "User"), subject to the unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.
UNI GROUP ASIA JSC (Joint Stock Company) is a Vietnamese  company with its head office in Ho Chi Minh at 6 Thăng Long, Tan Binh Dist., Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, email:gm@uniasia.com.vn, (hereinafter referred to as "UGA").

The User hereby declares that he or she is an adult (at least 18 years of age) and has the legal capacity to be bound by this agreement and to use this Website in accordance with these terms and conditions of use, which he or she fully understands and recognizes. The User agrees to keep confidential any passwords provided by UGA to access the Website and ensure that no unauthorized third parties gain access to them. The User accepts responsibility for any financial consequences arising from the use of this Website with the User's password to the UGA Website or from the use of the User's passwords by third parties. Furthermore, the User declares that all information he or she provides to access this Website and while using it is true, complete and accurate, and he/she agrees to keep it updated.

This Website is solely and exclusively for the User's personal use. The Website may not be modified, reproduced, duplicated, copied, distributed, sold, resold or exploited for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

The User agrees not to use this Website for illegal or prohibited purposes. In particular, the User accepts that he or she will only use this Website for him/herself and that the products or services purchased through this Website will be for his or her own use or consumption, or the use or consumption of persons on behalf of whom he or she is legally authorized to act. The User shall not resell to third parties products or services purchased through this Website.

Purchasing products and service through the Website

The UGA Website provides the User with access to information about the products and services of third parties related to tourism and trips and, in certain cases, he or she can make reservations and buy these products and services from the corresponding Suppliers.

Reservations or purchases by the User of products or services of any Suppliers chosen by the User shall be subject to the specific terms and conditions that the Suppliers establish for each case. Similarly, airplane tickets issued to the User shall contain important notifications including, among others, information for international passengers about limitations of liability and notifications about limitations of liability in relation to luggage. The User agrees to accept and comply with the purchase terms and conditions established by any Supplier from which the User chooses to purchase services, including but not limited to the payment of any amounts due and compliance with any regulations and restrictions related to the availability of proposed fares, products or services. In the event that there are special regulations or restrictions that may affect certain fares, products or services selected by the User, such special regulations or restrictions shall be clearly displayed to the User on the screen before proceeding to the reservation.

The preparation and updating of information on offers, products or services, prices, routes, distances, features and any other data and other relevant information about the products and services offered through the Website is the sole responsibility of the respective Suppliers of the products and services. Moreover, UGA is not responsible for the maintenance, supervision or updating of said data and information, or for verifying its truthfulness, updating, accuracy or completeness.

Suppliers of products or services, each one within the scope of its own obligations, shall be liable to the User for complying with the obligations arising from the regulations in force and the terms and conditions of sale for each of the products and services purchased. UGA assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for products or services that it does not provide directly.

Notwithstanding the above, and as part of the support service to the User provided by UGA, the User authorizes UGA to act as his or her purchase representative during the process of comparison between providers and purchase of products or services from the selected supplier and to make the payment for such products and/or services in the name and on behalf of the User, as required, to ensure that the comparison between providers and the transaction between the User and selected Supplier of products or selected services is carried out correctly. In such cases, the User shall refund UGA with the sum advanced by UGA in its capacity as representative.

In accordance with Article 27 of the international Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services, the electronic document by which the agreement to purchase products and/or services is formalized shall be filed in the records of UGA and may be accessed by the User at any time upon the latter's request to UGA.

Policy on privacy and protecting personal data

UGA respects the User's privacy and protects his or her personal data.
In order to access the services that UGA offers through this Website, the User must provide the personal data indicated on the online registration form (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Form"), which can be accessed by clicking on the "User Page" link that can be found on the top right of each page on the Website.

In compliance with the provisions of international Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as "LOPD"), UGA hereby informs the User that by completing the Registration Form, the User's personal data will be incorporated and processed in the files owned by UGA for the purposes of providing and offering its services and to carry out the corresponding procedures (management of reservations and of the products and services purchased), sending information and advertising on offers, promotions and any recommendations from UGA, as well as for surveys, statistics and market trend analyses. In order to personalize these services and adapt them to the User's needs and interests, thereby allowing UGA to send the User the best offers on the market, Users are asked to update this information regularly by notifying us of any change that occurs in the data provided.

Furthermore, UGA informs the User of their right to access, correct, cancel and challenge his or her personal data, for the User's comfort, he or she can exercise said rights by email by writing to gm@uniasia.com.vn

In compliance with the provisions of Article 11/1999 of the LPD, and considering the nature of the products and services that can be accessed through the UGA Website both nationally and internationally, the User agrees to allow his or her information to be given to any of the companies in the UGA for the purposes of providing and offering their services and to carry out the corresponding procedures (management of reservations and of the products and services purchased), sending information and advertising on offers, promotions and any recommendations from UGA, as well as for surveys, statistics and market trend analyses.

In the event that products and/or services offered on the UGA Website are used, UGA must give the User's personal data to the Suppliers of these products and/or services (tour operators, airlines, hotels, etc.), who in turn must use the User's personal data solely and exclusively to fulfill the purpose of the agreement.

Finally, and for the purposes of the provisions of Article 34.e) of the LOPD, the User agrees to allow UGA to transfer his or her personal data to recipients, in accordance with the aforementioned terms and conditions, in any country in the world, even those which do not offer the same level of protection as the LOPD.

In any event, UGA guarantees the confidential processing of the User's personal data as well as the server on which it is stored. Said data shall be subject to the safety measures required to avoid unauthorized access by third parties.

In addition, the User is hereby informed of the following:
- UGA only collects and uses personal data that is necessary for providing high quality customized services, such as consulting and information on products and/or services, on those of the other companies in the UGA, as well as on any offers and promotions of third companies that UGA deems may be beneficial or of interest to the User.
- Specifically, UGA collects information on the Users' tastes and preferences using the data directly provided by the User and the analysis of data traffic, including the use of cookies (see below). Similarly, it collects information relative to year of birth, sex, nationality, language, children and marital status.
- When the User purchases a product or service through the UGA Website, he or she must specify his or her name, email address, credit or debit card number, its expiry date and telephone number. UGA may have to inform its messaging service of the User's telephone number in order to process his or her order and to provide information on its status.
- If the User participates in a contest or promotion, UGA will request his or her name, postal address and email address to organize the contest or promotion in question and to notify the winner(s).
- By registering with UGA and granting express acceptance to receive newsletters on travel offers and ideas, the User also accepts that he or she may receive advertising messages, both those contained in newsletters and those that are sent which only contain exclusive information for the User.

In any case, UGA shall not provide the User's personal data to any third party outside its organization. Nevertheless, it is possible that UGA may provide this information to third parties with whom UGA has commercial relations, which may reside anywhere in the world, in the event that the User reserves or purchases a product or service through its Website. UGA may also provide global statistics on sales, customers, data traffic and other information from the Website to these third parties. However, such statistics shall not include any data that may make it possible to personally identify the User.

Operations for consulting the User's account data and for requesting products and/or services through the UGA Website are done using a secure server. The software of this server encrypts the information the user enters before transmitting it. Furthermore, UGA has strict security procedures regarding the storage and disclosure of data in order to avoid any unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of international Law 15/1999 of 13 December on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD). As a result, UGA may occasionally request that you enter your password before giving you any information about yourself.

The UGA Website accepts the use of cookies. A cookie is a fragment of information that the browser stores in the computer's hard drive. Every time you visit the UGA Website, our server will recognize the cookie and give us information about your last visit. The majority of browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but it is often possible to modify the configuration of the browser to stop this. Even if you decide not to receive cookies, you can still use the majority of the services on our Website, including the purchase of products or services. If at any time you wish to make any comments or complaints on how we use your personal data, please write to us at the following email address to gm@uniasia.com.vn.

Industrial and intellectual property rights

All of the content on the UGA Website (including, but not limited to, texts, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio files and software) is owned by UGA or its content providers and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property regulations. The compilation (understood as the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all content of the UGA Website is the exclusive property of UGA and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual regulations. All software used on the UGA Website or belonging to its software Suppliers is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual regulations.

Any other use of the content on this Website is strictly prohibited, including its total or partial reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, subsequent publication, exhibition and/or representation. In particular, any type of use of the images contained on the UGA Website outside this Website is strictly prohibited without the express consent of UGA and/or its Suppliers.

UGA and other names of products, services, graphics and logos of UGA are internationally registered trademarks. The names of other products, services and companies mentioned in this document may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Limitation of Liability

UGA offers this Website as-is and does its best in respect of its updating, maintenance and functioning, but it makes no guarantees as regards technical faults, service infallibility, or that the system or portal will function at all times.

UGA publishes on its Website various information about the products and services provided and offered by third parties, and it can make no representations about the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and updating of the data contained in such offers. UGA also disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to data or information provided through partner pages called "UGAGuides".

The limitation of liability of UGA is in accordance with the current applicable legislation and particularly in terms of the sectorial regulations of travel agencies. In any case, UGA assumes no liability for any damages arising directly or indirectly from the purchase of a product or service offered on its Website due to negligence on the part of the Supplier of said product or service, or some other cause not attributable to UGA.

If due to reasons of force majeure (including, but not limited to, political, economic or unstable disorder that affects safety), there are deficiencies with reservations, confirmations and/or execution of any trips or services purchased through UGA due to unexpected circumstances that UGA cannot solve, or even if it were impossible to comply with any of the agreed provisions, UGA and/or companies from the UGA Group are exempt from any derived legal responsibilities arising from such deficiencies or non-compliance.

Links with other Websites

The UGA Website may contain links to other Websites that are not managed by UGA, which are included only for reference purposes. UGA does not exercise any control over these Websites nor is it responsible for their content.

The inclusion of links to other Websites does not imply that UGA promotes, vouches for, guarantees or recommends these sites. These links are only used as informative references, without any valuation of the content, owners, services or products offered therein.

Use of UGA communication forums

The User may use the UGA communication forums or chat rooms for sending and receiving messages and materials directly related to the topics covered in the site, provided he or she agrees not to:
- Slander, insult and/or bully the other users or violate in any way their legal rights.
- Publish, send by email or distribute in any way defamatory, indecent or illegal materials or information.
- Send files that contain viruses or similar programs that may affect the running of computers, software or data, whether that of the Website or the other Users.
- Advertise or offer the sale of any type of goods or services, carry out surveys or contests, or send messages requesting they are forwarded as chain mail.

UGA does not guarantee, review, filter or approve any of the content on the communication forums or chats, email messages and other types of messages sent by the users, including those regarding UGAGuides. UGA reserves the right to deny, at its sole discretion, access by any user to this Website or to any section thereof without prior notification.

UGA will do its best to ensure, to the best of its ability, that the relations between UGAGuides and the User remain professional and cordial at all times and that the Web pages of UGAGuides do not include irreverent, obscene or offensive materials. Nevertheless, if at any time it is believed that UGAGuides does not comply with these principles; please notify us by email at the following address: gm@uniasia.com.vn. Upon receipt of any notification of this type, UGA will do its best to remove from its Website any statements that may infringe any right or violate any legal provision without delay.

UGA allows the User to send his or her reviews and comments about the products and/or services on its Website. In doing so, the User grants UGA, the other companies of the UGA  and/or its sublicenses the right -- non-exclusive, exempt from copyright, perpetual, irrevocable and totally transferable to third parties -- to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derived products of, distribute and display these reviews and comments all over the world and through any means of communication. Furthermore, the User also grants UGA, the other companies of the UGA Group and/or its sublicenses the right to use the name that accompanies this review or comment, if applicable.

Law and applicable jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions, as well as any relation between UGA and the User, shall be governed by the laws of Vietnam. Both parties are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Ho Chi Minh for any litigious issue arising from the existence, content and/or interpretation of these General Terms and Conditions or from any relation between UGA and the User.

UGA reserves the right to make changes at any time on its Website as well as in these General Terms and Conditions.